The History of Château de Noisy (Château Miranda) (Belgium)
Château de Noisy is a beautiful castle in the open lands of Belgium. The former ‘holiday camp’ is in a heavy state of disrepair and despite several offers, the owners refuse to sell it. It has suffered heavily from vandalism and the details from the interior have been removed to be used in another castle. Château de Noisy is one of the most beautiful locations we have seen. As of December, 2013 – the owners of Château de Noisy have formally applied for licence to demolish this heritage castle. Please see the end of this article for links to the formal petition against this action.
“Initially Chateau Miranda, boasting beautifully landscaped gardens, served the family Liedekerke de Beaufort as a summer residence.“
Original View
Current State (2013)
During the French revolution the Count Liedekerke-Beaufort and his family, who we very much involved in Belgian politics, fled their home, Château de Vêves, to a secluded farm in the forest on the outskirts of the village in 1792. Upon the ending of the revolution, the English architect Edward Milner, was commissioned in 1866 by the Liedekerke-Beaufort family to design and build a castle on the land.
Original Interior
Current State (2013)
Château de Noisy was to be built with many towers, conical roofs, and other Neo-Gothic details, with approximately 500 windows. Milner did not get to finish the castle as he died before the building was completed. The building was continued by the French architect Pelchner, extending the Château largely.
The clocktower was finished in 1903 and is 183 feet tall, and 1907 saw the completion of building activity. Initially Chateau Miranda, boasting beautifully landscaped gardens, served the family Liedekerke de Beaufort as a summer residence.
During the Ardennen offensive in World War II, the château was briefly occupied by German troops. During the Battle of the Bulge, there was also fighting on the property.
From 1950 the castle was taken over by the National Railway Company of Belgium (NMBS) as a ‘holiday camp’ for children who suffered from ill health. Around this time, the castle was named Home de Noisy or Château de Noisy. Equipped with 200 places the ‘holiday camp’ gave shelter to the children, providing fresh air, a fabulous playground and healthy food.
The regime at Home de Noisy was strict, it was run by female officials and the children dressed uniformly. In the square between the outbuildings a small football pitch was set up and the fountain in the garden was converted into a swimming pool. These were of various nationalities and language regions: French and Flemish children between 5 and 14 from Belgium and during the holiday season, children from Italy.
“Despite the ‘municipality of Celles’ offering to take it over, the family has refused.”
After 1970 it was used for outdoor activities and sport holidays for children, and became well known in Belgium.
Original State
Current State (2013)
In the 1990’s the owners began to search for investors, with the desire to transform the Château into a hotel. Due to the rising costs of maintenance and refurbishment, the plans failed and the Château was abandoned in 1991.
In 1995 a fire claimed part of the roof, and shortly after this the owner removed the hardwood floors, fireplaces and Italian blue marble to use in the neighboring farm and another castle in Italy. In 2006 a violent storm, caused the stable roof to collapse.
Despite the municipality of Celles making an offer to take it over, the family has refused.
Summary & Current Situation
This beautiful building is unstable and in disrepair. Internally, the structures are failing. Despite this, the building still maintains it beauty. Its likely that Château de Noisy will fall and become ruins unless the owners invest or sell. With the history, this however seems unlikely.
Its interesting how far history still spreads. I recently had contact from Jon Hammond, Director of Serenity Custom Drums. They were enquiring about using images on a blog post and elaborated to the story. Through a series of events when Liedekerke-Beaufort was removing usable and valuable parts from Château de Noisy, Serenity Drums actually bought the wooden flooring and are now using it in their custom drums. If you want a piece of Noisy and also play the drums then you will be in luck. See the Serenity Drums blog here.
I am looking for original documentation on Noisy, postcards, press articles etc. If you have any, please contact me
It has been confirmed that from December, 2013, the owners have put forward a formal request for permit to demolish Château de Noisy. The heritage loss of this beautiful castle is significant and incomprehensible. A formal petition has been arranged, please take a few minutes to have a look and sign if you feel this place is worth saving.
Image Gallery
Available here
I think it’s a terrible shame that the owners refuse to let anyone take over and keep the castle from total destruction. It is a magnificant, beautiful castle. Don’t know if the family has money to burn or are just foolish.
I think it’s really sad that the family thinks nothing of this beautiful building. It’s sad. If it were me, and it’s not, I would give it away with the stipulation that they fix it from top to bottom. Make it shine like it did way back when. Europeans look at historical buildings differently than the Americans, the US doesn’t really have anything that magnificent or that old. I think it is one of the most beautiful buildings I’ve seen. It’s worth saving. Summer home, maybe for some. They don’t want it but they don’t want to give away so they will just let it fall to ruin, yes makes a lot of sense to me. It’s history and history is fading, fading fast. Too bad. So sad.
It’s true, we eurpeans see it differently. There’s plenty of old and gorgeous buildings around here. Many in the same conditions as this one.
And I understand the owners… Reforming such a building is VEEEEEEEERY expensive. It is cheaper, easier, and safer to go ahead and build a new one.
Besides, at least in my country (Spain), you’re obliged by law to mantain the amount of built space in a country property. Meaning, they either reform the existing building, or take it down and build one with the same dimensions, and maybe even in the exact same spot…
And no wonder why they won’t give it away. I wouldn’t!! Would you give away your ancestor’s house? Not only the house, the entire property?? Because it’s not mentioned here, but it probably has huuuge fields.
And would you give it so they can ‘evaluate’ the project and probably decide it’s too expensive to fix all of it, then do a cheap version of a reform, later charging tourists to visit it, not giving you a single euro? Cause that’s usual around here, as sad as it sounds… hahaha
No place for hope anymore: demolition works have started up.
Just keep as souvenir David’s beautiful photographies as the fairy tale castle of Noisy is currently dismantled. A very sad end.
The USA has some very old castles still in operation today. Do a little research.
Hardly ‘very old’ castles really!
Mid 1800’s maybe, but most of them built by eccentric millionaires with too much money.
Compare to Dover Castle and Warwick Castle (built around 1066) and Leeds Castle (1278) in England.
Now thats old.
A lot of times, it’s the family members who ruin history. If sold it would be tied up in court for the heirs to fight over the money OR the property is tied up in court for the heirs to fight over and being that it’s so old; there’s likely to be many heirs to raise their hand.
Abuser le proprio du château qui fait rien du tout appart prendre le marbre est les planchers quelle honte .
Un chef-d’œuvre qui manque à beaucoup de mondes …
Just because Americans don’t have anything as old nor as grand as European castles doesn’t mean they don’t appreciate great architecture. It’s hardly America’s fault the decedents has no wish to preserve their family’s legacy.
I completely agree. People with such a disregard when so many people cherish it should have the place taken off them.
Would you like that done to YOU? Its STILL thievery
Amen! A person owns a home…why should anyone else have any say over that? Some things are just incomprehensible to me…
Is a terrible shame that the comunists goverments take the ownership of it and then use as they wished, now they want to help?? Belgium is not a Monarchy allmost all “nobility “has pacted with comunist nazi republican democratic “queen” Elizabeth, may God in the name of Jesus chose a new Nobility TO RESTORE THE WORLD.
Ma Mia – you obviously have no clue about the World do you?
Tom, With respect, having a different view from Your own is not necessarily the same as having no clue. Not everybody’s perspective is the same as Your own, open Your mind a little maybes?
Ma Mia -You need to go back to your doctor for some more medication or, better yet, stronger medication.
Please who ever owns this get it put back as it should be, then open it to the public! The money for entry would help in in the up keep of it. Such a beautiful Castle…
Such a shame.
Can’t see the point of refurbishing it if they have pretty much taken much of the historical reminates out.what a waste of valuebal history.
Demolished now so no refurbishing. Interesting fact that the wooden flooring was sold to make musical drums…
Is there still something to see? Or is it completely gone?
Hi Monika. Really nothing left to see now of this castle. There is the owners castle around 10mins away which used to do guided tours.
Hope they burn with the money
I would love to see the Miranda castle. History tells all about the people and who lived in this beautiful place!!! To bad I’m in the states….Texas that is and I’ll never get to tour something so precious as this castle!
Thanks for the comment. This is really a special place to see. I hope you enjoyed the images
What is the outcome of the demolition application? Please tell me this place will be saved.
I visited it yesterday ( we yeah, saw it, because it’s secured with cameras and gates and everything, so getting in ks harder.) But it still stands today. Although the inside is almost completely ruined, the outside still is beautiful.
My heart goes out to old buildings such as these, and though I live in America, I love the old Gothic castles…it is nice to know it wasn’t demolished after reading the family history. Thanx for the comment
I would love to see it!! We a stationed in Germany! Do you have an exact address?
Of course you can tour a castle this beautiful, even this one! All you have to do is make the decision, save the money, get a passport and buy your ticket. The world is accessible and there for you to explore.
This Castle will be destroyed.
Count of Liederkerke-Beaufort ask for the demolition…
This wonderful place will disappear…
Miranda is one of our last Neogothic castle here, in Belgium…
Has the demolition been formally applied for? That would be such a shame. Beautiful history…
No place for hope anymore: demolition works have started up.
Just keep as souvenir your beautiful photographies as the fairy tale castle of Noisy is currently dismantled. Adieu, Miranda …
Adieu Beaumont..
Only a FOOL will ask for the demolition of Beauty!
Hang him high – until he is dry…
What a beauty. I hope the Belgian govt intervenes to save this piece of history and art. Thanks for the pictures that tell the story…
Is my target for this summer… hope i ll find it still there.
How close it can get to Miranda? Need some authorisation before?
In other line, i am kind of confused about the meaning of “Noblesse oblige”….
It is important to contact the landowner first. If landowner does not reply then one makes their plans. It is an amazing place to see with great heritage.
Thank you very much.
Dear David,
do you have any contact details. We intend to see it but would rather avoid trespassing. It is not far away from we live and I think it just looks amazing.
Thanks in advance.
could you provide that info please?
“Noblesse oblige” is a term which refers to the obligation nobility have (towards the rest of us, or society at large) to be honorable and generous.
Please sign. Thank you
Cecilia, thanks for the link – I will integrate it into the article. I agree that this location is heritage.
Kind regards,
A friend and I just drive from Germany to see this gorgeous place today! Unfortunately we were only able to see the back side of the castle because some idiot jumped the fence and police were on the grounds searching for him. We met said idiot and he was trying to risk a 250€ fine just to get inside. My friend and I decided to return another day to go inside, I’m hoping it’s still intact enough to walk through and get some great pics! We also visited Chateau Bambi, or Red Castle which isn’t far from Miranda. We got some great shots but it is on private property and lucky the grounds keeper didn’t mind us being there. Thanks so much for posting your pics, I can’t wait to return and see the inside if this beautiful castle!!!
Hey Amanda, we really want to take a look at this! We are in the area tomorrow. Can you get inside it if there are no idiots around?
I went there with a friend on the first of november 2014. The guard just returned while we were walking back to our car in the evening :d We spent a total of 6 hours inside the castle. It was just the most beautiful thing I ‘ve seen so far. So majestic, beautiful (bit ancient ;)). But they’re gonna put an end to the castle and break it down really soon.
Amanda, Hi
Thanks for leaving the comment. No very good when people are doing things like that. I hope you get to go back and see this place
Kind regards,
“It is hard not to see the security problems affecting the building. And then there is still no new project for the site, no sponsor … A priori, I do not see how we can maintain such a home” says Yvan Petit (Mayor of Houyet).
A very beautiful neogothic castle ! If only Belgian government would preserve this heritage from demolition.
Thank you so much for its history through your lens.
Hi, thanks for the comment and thanks for looking
Dear Mr. David Baker
I just found these photos of the Le Chateau de Miranda, in Belgium. Or Castle De Le Noisy. I was in awe to think, this family wanted to tear it down.. being such a vital important part of all world history. If i was personally loaded with money, I would buy it and renovate it myself. I am a very big historian and just fell in love with this castle. I want to know what I can do to help! I want to start a petition, here in the USA ,to keep this family from destroying this castle , to keep it from being torn down. I have never in my life had anything upset me this way. like this has.. I have about 450 names so far…I started to mail them to this address. A-L-Attention De: Gouvernement Wallon-Commune de Houyet
Auteur;Alain MAES 7 Champ de la Haie, 1480 Tubize Belgique This (Number , I was not sure of if it had to be on the address… it was 3271476852. I have signature to save the Chateau Miranda. with ages and email addresses … Can you please contact me and let me know how I can help..I hope it is not to late. I want this architecture to be seen by the whole world..I am making this a conquest now.. Thank You Sincerely David Gipson- 315 Pine St. Birmingham Alabama. 35215 – USA.
Dear Mr.David Baker.. I do not speak French, nor read it and did not know how to sign the petition to save the Chateau de Miranda( aka) Chateau Le Noisy). I wanted to know, if ? maybe there could be an English version, of this petition put on your web page where I, found this one. Thank you Again.. Mr David Gipson…USA.
I would like to sign this petition, Ruth M. Forbes, Gulf Breeze, FL 32563
Save the chateau! It deserves love not bulldozers!
Stunning photos! Did you contact the landowner to get permission to enter the castle and take pictures? I would love to stop off here and spend time taking pictures while in Belgium this summer.
I love this place so much. I dicovered it on internet a few months ago and ever since I’ve been looking it up on internet and looking at all the pictures I can find of it. It’s truly beautiful and I am so sad to hear the owners want to demolish it.. I really hope I’ll have the chance to go and see it one day. Thank you for the pictures and documentation, It’s nice to see that people still care about historic places like Château Miranda
Has the demolition begun?
Jaimie, not yet – application is still in processing.
Thank you for your pics ( in particular original and current state)
Video and photos will be the only witnesses of what great castle Miranda was
How sad it is to see castles as beautiful as Miranda destroyed, abandoned ….
Petition : Link
Dear David
Thank you for your very interesting article of Noisy. From where come your love for this castle?
I would like see more pictures from the interior of the castle, before removing in 1995.
Can you help me? Sorry for bad English. Are you on facebook?
David Lemoine
Thank you very much for the wonderful pictures and history. I have a deep love for old architecture, and abandoned mansions and castles in particular.I fell in love with this castle before I knew what or where it was, fortunatley with a bit of research I was able to name it. What a magnificent place!
They just dont/ cant build them like they used to. I can never understand how so many of these treasures end up vacant and left to rot. After all who wouldnt want to live in a castle? I wish I could. I live in the States where the closest thing we have to castles are some beautiful old mansions left to rot in upstate NY.. I console myself with being the current owner/ caretaker of a home and commercial building both built in the early 1800s. Work in progress is a standard phrase here as we try to restore both to their former glory. Nothing here can compare to the historical and cultural treasures of your castles and manor homes. Even in disrepair they are works of art that should be saved for future generations. Very sad to think it will dissappear forever.
To demolish this building, of the greatest historical and architectural importance, is an act of Philistinism. I am currently restoring a building of the same style as Miranda, which is in an equally bad condition. It shows that saving Miranda is possible.
David Johnston
Dear David. Just went on your blog to look at the restorations you have been doing on the Balintorecastle in Scotland. I may need advice on where to start trying to get this castle from being torn down.. I am very serious about contacting as many people as i can to try and get Chateau Miranda from being demolished in Belgium. Thank you sincerely David Gipson
Thank you for this post. This Chateau Miranda is a historic masterpiece and should be preserved. “Derived from Latin mirandus meaning “admirable, wonderful”. The name was created by Shakespeare for the heroine in his play ‘The Tempest’ (1611)
If they really do tear it down, (tragic !) how I would love the front door and glass! We are going to build a new home in the next two years with amazing views of the valley where we live. And since my nick name is MirAnda, I’m emotionally “attracted” to this beautiful structure and it’s history.
I hope that petitions will help preserve it, as structures like this, done with loving craftsmen of stone work, will never be re-created! In America, we have no such land marks. What a shame to lose it.
Hi David,
I love this old place and have done for years now. It is nothing short of magical. I knew the owner wouldn’t sell from previous comments I have read. But I am shocked to see this latest update about the plan to demolish it. I appreciate efforts would have already been made to persuade the owner to sell, or at least change their minds. But I wonder if you could pass on their details direct to me, assuming you have them? I have seen the petitions and read other posts, but it’s hard to find the owners details. As long as the place is still standing and the owner is alive, I believe there is a chance. A 1% chance is better than none.
Kindest regards,
David, thank you so much for giving me the opportunity of visiting this most beautiful of castles in Belgium, via my laptop.
I am a Londoner now living in Cornwall & in my day I have travelled extensively to satisfy my passion for learning about old cultures & heritage. Now that I am a bit past climbing walls & fences, sleeping on trains & floors and travelling student style, I was thrilled to happen across this network of adventurers & explorers of the more quirky places.
There are some real architectural gems, like Château Miranda, just decaying & rotting away in unkempt disorder, that bring a tear to the eye. Shame on the current Count of Liedekerke-Beaufort !!
ik heb daar gewoond van mijn 3 tot mijn 5 jaar;wat was dat een mooi kasteel,mijn zussen zaten daar ook voor 2 jaar;moet dat nu eens bekijken;het is een schande!!
Such a pity to see these lovely structures to go waste. If nothing else at least allow it to be sold off for salvage if there is no way to save the building.
[…] Château de Noisy (Château Miranda) sits in a rather quiet part of Belgium, surrounded by woods (and French ‘keep out’ signs, probably). It’s history began in 1792 when the prominent family of Count Liedekerke-Beaufort fled to the area for safety from the French Revolution. After the revolution, the Count had the castle built and finished in 1903. She was a beauty of a building and became the family’s summer residence. During World War II, German troops occupied the property. It later became a camp for ill children and then an outdoor sports facility to the local kids. It was abandoned in 1991 and subsequently suffered a fire and wrecking storms. Today, it’s been put up for demolition and a petition to save it has been arranged. […]
Hi David, thanks for sharing these images and research/information about Chateau Miranda. It’s always striking and sad to see how the interiors of some of these disused/abandoned buildings are like. It’s a shame that the current owners are unwilling to let the municipality take over and restore the building.
Quote:” It’s a shame that the current owners are unwilling to let the municipality take over and restore the building.”
Why is everyone calling for governments both local and national to usurp the private property rights the owner may have? Do people in Belgium have rights? Did anyone stop and think that maybe the current owners have been paying fines for the building’s disrepair, taxes on a nearly unusable property, and have there been any private investors interested in the property? I agree that such a magnificent castle should be preserved but, it would be close to evil for me to tell a person what they can and can’t do with their own property.
Eine Schande das Schloss so verkommen zu lassen !!
Hier in Deutschland würde es unter Denkmalschutz stehen.
I had the opportunity to visit recently within the last 2 weeks. When you approach the building it takes your breath away. Sadly though the interior is so far gone, in a way its best not to see it. Just too sad. As I made my way carefully around it felt like a lost cause. After reading the comments here I’m not as negative but even to make it safe would need an investment of effort and money of epic proportions.
Hi, may I ask you how were you able to approach the castle? I got to the fence by the street that has cameras and it’s locked and it was impossible to get anywhere close to it, i’m planning on returning in 1 month and i’m looking for tips, please!
does anyone know WHY the family wants it to be demolished rather than taken over?
After reading this post and seeing the damage to this historic structure, I followed the link to the petition and signed. I am so very tired of witnessing the destruction of our world’s history by individuals as well as nations. I watched a beautiful old wooden mill and its house rot away because the owner would neither repair nor sell the property. The incomprehensible selfishness does great dishonor to their family history & country, and leaves the rest of us shaking our heads in disbelief. Makes me think the state of the Liedekerke de Beaufort gene pool is possibly reflected in the deterioration of Chateau de Noisy – but I doubt there would be a petition to prevent its demise.
[…] A brilliantly written and fascinating history of Noisy by David Baker can be read here. […]
A friend of mine went to see the Chateau last week, he showed quite a few pictures. It would be such a shame to lose a legendary piece of art, one can never recreate this. Tell me, the last dated plans i seem to find is that it was going to be demolished in Febuary 2014. Yet here we are, have the plans changed, what’s the curent status? The thought doesn’t leave me alone.
(I signed the petition by the way!)
hi, would it be possible to contact your friend?
I was there today and it was impossible to get anywhere close to it.
I’m planning on returning the first week of july but i really need tips.
Thanks in advance.
Did your friend get permission by the owners?
Ik was jaren terug op bezoek in de Ardennen en we kwamen Chateâu Vevé tegen en zijn naar binnen gegaan. Leuk om naar te kijken…Maar toen kwam ik in de grote zaal en wilde vanaf daar een foto maken, ik zoomde in en ineens WOW…zag ik zoiets moois dat het werkelijk gelijk mijn hart raakte… Ik zei tegen mijn man daar wil ik heen en we zijn gaan kijken maar konden niks vinden…tevens was het onze laatste vakantie dag dus we moesten weg. Thuis gekomen gaan zoeken, en nu 5 jaar verder voelt het nog net zo…ben er helaas nooit geweest (zou dolgraag willen maar ben slecht ter been) hoop het nog te zien en hoop dat de petitie heel veel mensen zal opleveren die het net als ik een schande vinden als zoiets moois gaat worden gesloopt….Wat ik me echt afvraag welk geheim heeft Noisy of Miranda…? Waarom mogen wij niet bij het Chateau, wij komen niet slopen maar kijken….ik hoop dat Noisy blijft bestaan het is het mooiste Chateau wat ik ooit heb gezien en dat zal altijd zo blijven…en ook ik het de petitie ondertekent net als mijn kinderen.
Hello David and everyone, I went to the castle today and couldn’t see anything, as soon as i got to the main gate by the road, it was locked and had cameras, according to google maps, if you get to enter, Parc de Noisy is before and then the Chateau, but as i said, I couldn’t see anything.
Is that gate usually open? looks like there’s a tennis court and some houses by the Parc.
Please, any information would be greatly appreciated, I’ll return in a month.
I met some local people and they all told me the place is close and it’s impossible to see the castle, of course that’s what they say to every tourist.
If anyone could help me it’d be great, I’ll be in Amsterdam and will drive again just to see the chateau.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Manuel
Did you get to see the castle?
Always look for a backdoor my friend. Did you finally manage to get to see the castle yet? It’s still there, still impressing
[…] A brilliantly written and fascinating history of Noisy by David Baker can be read here. […]
I’m so intrigued by the history of this place. It’s such a shame the owners have applied for demolition. They should at least charge individuals who would like to see this before it’s gone. Is there any way we can contact the owners? Does anyone have an e-mail or phone number?
I do so hope The Family Liederkerke-Beaufort , will consider allowing investors to rebuild this wonderful Castle. Has any explanation been given as to why they insist on demolition versus remodel?
Sad we never will have the chance to see this magnificent Castle.
Connie in California
This property must be saved maybe the government as it is a heritage building. Very sad for this not to be saved it must be.
What an amazing place. I can not fathom the cost of saving it and making it the grand residence of its youth. I do agree that if it can be saved it would be a wonderful thing to have happen. I know here in the states we have several historical homes that have been left in trust to different organizations that in turn raise the money needed for renovation or should I say resurrection. It is not a simple process but for those who can and have the means to do so the outcome is worth every bit of the time, money and effort. I can see the château becoming a very big attraction and I for one would give a good sum to tour it and if possible stay a few nights. Truly a magnificent place and one that deserves to be saved.
Acho estranho a família querer demolir um local tão bonito e rico historicamente. Certamente o Conde não guarda boas recordações sobre o Castelo e deseja, ardentemente, antes de sua morte, Enterrar esse segredo! Seria interessante pesquisar mais sobre o ocorrido no castelo durante sua construção e no verão de 1917 e 1922.
Can you tell me how I get permission to visit? If the castle is still standing I hope to be able to visit in December 2014.
Hello David.
It’s truly a very nice castle that caught my eye. Your post have been very helpful at answering my curiosity.
I really appreciate you sharing these information with these gorgeous photos of the castle.
Take care.
An illicit peak inside…
we have managed to svae her for a year by getting her on the back up heritage lists but every one Urbexers arent helping matters aas vandels are also entering and defaceing the historic beauty so If you stay away for now we may save her in the enbd and yes as oif today she Still stands although shes been recent;ly tagged by vendals and is deteriortateing by the day….
I just signed for the petition against the demolition. I’ve been always fascinated with the old structures/ building and its history. I posted about it also on my instagram and facebook, hoping they will share/repost and sign also.
Hello David and all supporters of Château de Noisy!
It is unimaginable indeed that such a wonderful place should be threatened by destruction… I am one of the members of ARESNO asbl (Association pour la Restauration et la Sauvegarde de Noisy). This association was created by Mr. Alain Maes and a few lovers of Noisy in order to try to save the castle and restore it to its former glory. We remain hopeful that we will succeed. Thank you for helping to bring this sad case to the public’s attention. It is clear that most people who see this place are enchanted by its beauty and bewildered by its actual state…
Hi Brigitte,
what happened since the last exhibition and some Tv reports in 2014. Have the feeling that since 2015 no more measures have been taken and speacilly since that the authority gave and confirmed the permission of demolition in december 2015.
Hi everyone. Me and my boyfriend will leave in September to Belgium and we would love to take some pictures in a place so magical being lovers of the Gothic style. It ‘really a shame that wish to demolish a beautiful building like this. If someone wants to join the expedition and give some useful information is welcome. Thank you all!
Can you still visit this castle ? Because i wanna take pictures of the castle
I loved looking through the gallery of pictures provided. It is sad that jealousy, greed or whatever the reason be , that the owners refuse to sell. Most likely fear what someone else could possibly make of it. None the less the history is there and its the most ridiculous thing to demolish that, and selfish! I would love to see it restored ,and be able to visit someday! Good luck.
You van still visit it. You have to be careful! There is a guardian on the property and there is a camera near the main gate. If you want to see the castle, go in the woods. Don’t go through the main gate! If you look on Google maps, you can find a way through the woods. If you want to take photos, bring 2 sdcards. If the guardian sees you, he will ask your sdcard. If you bring 2 cards, you can quick take a few photos with the ‘bad’ sdcard. Then you take the photos that you want with the ‘Good’ sdcard. If you see the guardian, you can quick switch your sdcards, so the photos on the ‘bad’ sdcard will be removed/ you can give your ‘bad’ sdcard. Don’t go 1/10-31/1, in these months it’s the haunting season in Belgium. There will be haunting around the castle. You can’t get permission to go inside, because it’s dangerous inside. The floors are in a bad condition, … Sorry for my bad english but I’m from Belgium
Good luck!
Hello!! my boyfriend and I tried to visit the castle yesterday and it was not possible, we asked to the people how to get there and all of them say that nowadays is impossible, not even get closer to it. The perimeter is closed and they told us about the guardian and the expensive fine that you can get if you try to jump or cross. Apparently is not easy to see it, not even from the distance because is in the middle of the forest .We were really disapointed, a guy living in Celles village told me: “it is a shame because there is a lot of people coming from differents countris looking for that castle, someboy should tell on internet that is not longer possible, I am really sorry miss”.
The Château de Noisy was mentioned on The Weather Channel app today so it’s getting to a wider audience now it would seem.
It is a shame that a part of Belgium’s history will not be available for future generations. I have to confess that I was captivated by its aura of nostalgia that emanates from the pictures and its magnificent architecture. My best wishes to preserve this “time piece”
Mike Diaz
From Venezuela
What was the outcome of the petition?
How do you contact the owners to go look at the place?
I thoroughly enjoyed the article. There was a lot of work, research and editing to put this together, admirable. I picked up on a theme of now what? Owners won’t budge on selling and appears that any and everything, floors, walls, radiators, balustrades and the old adage of if ‘it is not nailed down’ it will be sold does not apply. Even the nailed down portions are disappearing. There were some comments, private property and they can do/not do what they want with it. Thankfully the US Constitution deals with these situations, here. 5th Amendment, the right of Eminent Domain is the right of the government to assert its dominion over private property for the ‘public good’, with just compensation at fair market value. English common law concept. I certainly am not aware of many facts, so I comment based on assumptions. Owners want the property for land value and with or without a demolition permit, it will just fall down. A barrister much more informed than me on these local issues should intervene. Funds are expended on taxes, security measures, all with a purpose, the rest of you can answer that question amongst yourselves. Sir, I wish you the best in your endeavor, you are committed to a noble public purpose goal and wish you the best.
Someone, please save this beautiful structure! I would love to visit her one day!
Went today to the castle we didn’t encounter any guards on the property, only 2 other people who where taking pictures of the castle, the floors in the building are crappy and several rooms came down.. in parts there is no roof left.. a very nice place but you need to watch your steps.
My heart always aches for heritage sites on the losing end. I admire people like you who uses their medium for advocacies like this. Thank you. I just shared as a way of support. Hope this beautiful château will be saved.
Regards from New Zealand
[…] Chateau Miranda – Ardenne (Belgio) […]
I would have loved to see this castle and would pay. The said thing is, it is a beautiful work that the owners want to destroy. Makes you wonder why.
[…] More pictures can be found here […]
Would love to see this in person
This saddens me beyond. I wish I had the money to pull some of together, tried to sign the petition and hope it would go through. I would think the government could take it over or, if we set a page to save it and see if anyone the world would start to contribute as they have on millions of sites when people are looking for money to make movie or save a loved ones family from disaster, does anyone know of such a thing going on?
What a beautiful piece of architecture. I cannot comprehend why a family would be so steadfast against reclaiming the beauty of this building. I truly hope it will not be lost to dust and history.
I’ve always loved looking at buildings from centuries ago they remind me how different things were, make me think about how life was back then and how the buildings went down and were neglected. Something like this should be treated better, with dignity and respect, not like this. Even though there are parts missing, heavy vandalism and things broken, burnt and torn up I still think its a lovely piece in the worlds history and should be left standing where it is now.
What is the current situation with this structure? A year has passed and I wonder – did good sense prevail or did the beautiful structure fall?
I find it a travesty that anyone can’t have in they’re heart a piece of history that could be magnificant once again from someone that would like to make the purchase of this. Have it in your hearts owner. Please don’t give them a permit to tear this down!
Amazingly beautiful. It touches the heart. Reminds me of the mansion that Sally Sparrow visited in the episode of Doctor Who entitled ” Blink “. Any angel statues on the grounds?
What is the current status of this magnificant home?
[…] check out here, here, here, or here for more pictures. (Or here for more of a photo essay, with linked […]
How could anyone think of demolishing this place? It should be saved.
This castle do not belong any more to this family it belongs to humanity so the best that this family can do is sell the property to any one who will restore it
In American money, how much would the owner sell for? It is gorgeous and I can see myself retiring there.
I would love to buy it and restore this beautiful masterpiece. If there is anyone who can put me in contact with anyone to have a meeting about this place please let me know. I will pay cash and get the job done. Wether a hotel or a tourist site would be perfect. I’m in the market and a serious buyer but I’m getting no Leeds Please help before they knock this amazing beauty to the ground. If anyone knows anyone I can get in contact with about saving it please send email to Thank you in advance for your help.
It is a tragedy and a lesson for every person, who wants to erase a part of our history. So sad, money is either the object of the owners hearts, or concrete. and for this they will gain nothing but lonliness to live out their days and I’m sure their there already. Where as IF the chauteu were restored, many would benefit and the owners would be praised for not allowing anything to trample on beauty. The destruction of this remarkable building says something for our time, we don’t want to spend our precious time or open our wallets and apply hard work to keep beauty, we would rather ignore whats ugly or erase it and then we can pretend it never existed.
family should sell it is in ruins however suffice reform and he would return to its glory days , I’m sure someone very rich and tastefully buy a beautiful place like this. is already 2015 and for happiness of all this rarity is still foot, but time is running and that’s sad hopefully save him,
I went to this castle today.
It is still standing, although in bad repair. If you approach by the main road, there is a gate and big fence in the way. Drive a couple of km down the road, and you can walk up through the forest.
Approaching the castle is amazing. It suddenly appears on a rise through the forest, and is still majestic. I met five other people wandering around, but no security guard. You can get in to the castle, and it is in bad condition, and scary. You know horror movies where people wander in to the basement and you say “DON’T GO IN TO THE BASEMENT!”? You will have that whole feeling wandering round here.
Floors and ceilings have vanished, but you can wander around the whole castle. It’s very quiet here, and a real sense of something lost. Well worth the visit if you can get in there.
I’d love to restore the castle –
Normunds Kvilis
Thanks for the amazing post. Like everyone else, I have great appreciation for the architecture, history, culture, and just the mere fantasy of living in such (what was) luxury.
I can’t help but wonder though, how much abuse went on in this facility. Sorry to take a negative slant, but if we truly look at history and how “orphans” or Wards of the State where mistreated perhaps this is why the family refuses to sell or the let the City take it over.
Still, the beauty of this castle and other abandoned places that we can explore from our desks leaves me awe struck.
Again, thank you for pictures!
What an amazing place. So sad to see it in that state. I don’t agree with it being demolished but I’d also hate to see it taken over and turned into some garrish hotel rather than being restored.
Better as a private school
I have set hour, after hour, looking at the beauty of this place, I am still in Awe at it.. I honestly do not think there is any other structure that can compare to it. Even in its current state of disarray. Being a painter and wall paperer by trade skill and having a degree in Art and fashion Design. Having done photography work myself.. I have seen the world from one end to the other in many forms.. COME ON PEOPLE -WE GOT TO GET AN AMERICAN PETITION TO STOP THIS HORRIBLE CRIME, OF THIS FAMILY WANTING TO DEMOLISH A PIECE OF, EVERY COUNTRIES HISTORY. NOT JUST BELGIUM’S HISTORY OR FRANCE OR ENGLAND’S -BUT EVERY COUNTRIES HISTORY. SOME ONE PLEASE TELL US WHAT TO DO/ TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN. IF WE ARE NOT TO LATE.. I AM READY TO START A TRUST FUND TO PROTECT IT – GET IT RENOVATED AND USE IT AS A WORLD MUSEUM . I AM TRYING TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS TO GO SEE IT IN PERSON- IN THE NEAR FUTURE-BEFORE THIS FAMILY HAS IT TAKEN FROM US FOREVER. Sincerely David Gipson Who is with me.. Email me ASAP and I am starting an AMERICAN PETITION TO MAIL TO THE BELGIUM EMBASSY> AMEN
I would like to help out with what ever needs done. I have fallen in love with this beautiful castle and would like to see it restored.
We went there yesterday morning. (May 23rd, ’15)
There were 8 other people wandering in and around the castle. I personally went with my boyfriend.
This place is an amazing piece of architecture and culture at the same time.
I’m a university student in Archaeology & Art History and this castle was so beautiful.
Unfortunately a lot of decay has found it’s way through it. Roofs are falling down (or are already down), nature is taking over again (certainly when you go in the side building).
I can’t stand that they can just decide for themselves to let this precious pearl have its downfall, while it was still possible to save it. You can see the family’s other castle from this one, and that one is perfectly maintained, while this one looks so much more rich in architecture if you ask me.
The feeling you get when being inside, is kinda overwhelming, looking at marbles, but also reliefs and arches. It tells such a great story, when you see the different rooms, the comparison between the rooms used by service people and residential uses…
I cannot say more than the fact this building is astonishing.
Btw. I didn’t see a guard, we entered from behind the castle, climbed up the woods (intensive walk, I warn you)
Mind when you visit:
– It can take some effort to get there (it’s way uphill)
– It is advised to leave your car in the ‘city’ and walk the while, I went by foot (1h walk) from the train station, but that made me have time to observe the orientation of the castle because I could see it from far away.
– Don’t be too scared from the ‘guard’, this terrain is so fucking huge that the odds are low you’ll meet him.
– Be prepared on a lot of vandalism shown in the castle, which is an unfortunate case.
– Watch out, because a lot of areas aren’t stable anymore.
– Know your limits & the building’s limits.
es un sitio muy hermoso estoy en contra de su demolición !
pido ayuda ! necesito las fotos y nombres de quienes vivieron ahi porfavor :3 es de gran ayuda que me lo avisen gracias
Save Belgium history please.
Obscenely beautiful.
If I had the money I would buy that pretty house and restore it to its former glory, but I’m only ten.
Such a shame for them to want to destroy such a gorgeous building. Even in the state it’s in it is still so magnificent. I’m taken by its beauty.
This is a shame to demolish such a beautiful place in history. Please allow others to come in and restore it back to its original beauty.
People of Belgium this is your history this castle is worth saving.It has a beauty that words can not express it is sad when the craftsmanship has been forgotten.It is the memories that make this castle stand out.
I’ve visited the castle last weekend. It was love at first sight. I’ve never seen something nice and beautiful. Althought it was damaged very much inside, it kept it’s charme and beauty. IT would be a shame to destroy this. I hope, this castle will get another chance! Does anybody know if it’s for sale? I’ve heard the familie will sale, if it gets a proper destination.
[…] was a great exploration, but I don’t understand why some people feel the need to destroy. Château de Noisy is part of history and has a great history of its own. I can’t believe how vandalized it is […]
wow this castle is stunning even in disrepair, PLEASE DONT DESTROY it, it is a beautiful, historical, if i had the money i would buy it and fix it, she holds alot of history, i have always dreamed of owning and living in a castle , you could even fix it up and make it into a hotel or bed and breakfast ……. any thing, just dont destroy it PLEASE
[…] Château de Noisy (château Miranda) […]
[…] a “ghost hunter’s paradise.” Well, at least it looks that way. According to photographer David Baker, construction of this enormous Gothic-style structure began around 1866 and was finished in 1907. […]
Hello Everyone!
I was wondering if this Chateau is still around or if they had demolished it?
I hope that they didn’t tear it down because it would be wonderful to see. Yet, it could be very dangerous and someone could get hurt by falling rubble. So I completely understand why they don’t want people to go inside. I’d just like to see it from the outside.
Maybe someday.
It seams like their are enough individuals wanting to keep this beautiful castle from being destroyed. Has no one decided to create a organization to help get funding to purchase, protect and renovate this castle. I for one would be happy to help run a board/organization to raise funds to purchase and renovate the castle. After doing some research and looking at the international support of keeping this castle from being destroyed, after it has been restored revenue from tourism along with converting some of the rooms into hotel/rental spaces would pay for the upkeep.
If there is such an organization please let me know I would like to help out.
Hi Justin. There have been many substantial offers to the current owners however they still refuse to sell it. Dave
Hello.. Does anyone know the contact details of the current owners please? I would darly love to contact them.
[…] For more information about the castle, its history, photos and potential demolishing click here. […]
Any updates?
So beautiful! What a waste!!
I’m am in complete awe over the fact that the government there isn’t stopping this dimwitted owner from trying to destroy this magnificent structure! Here in the states my father actually purchased a home built in 1841. Because of the historical department in the area, we may only maintain the house with no major renovations allowed. So there should be no reason that their govt. can’t get involved. I truley hope that this building is saved, and if it is I will be there to see it! I’d love to travel out there just to view it.
Best of wishes to Château de Noisy and may she live another 100 years.
Joey CT, USA
This place is unbelievably gorgeous!! Hoping it gets saved. I CANNOT BELIEVE AMERICANS ARE WANTING TO TELL THIS FAMILY WHAT TO DO WITH THEIR OWN PROPERTY!! You don’t want your own government telling you squat. Hypocrites! Signed, Your fellow American
While the idea of living in a castle seams romantic the reality of keeping one from falling into ruins especially one of this size can run into a 100 million dollars to bring back to its originally glory & fix all the needed repairs. I Love the architecture of old buildings too & yes the history of them but I can understand why this is being destroyed it cost $$$ & a lot of it to fix. It’s all great to sign a petition to keep it but who is will or able to pay that kind of $$$ to repair it. The guard they post at the site is there to keep people safe from getting hurt as a lot of the building is unsafe to walk through,some places are not worth going to if your life’s in danger of falling walls,roofs & other parts of the castle they could fall on you. Stay home & enjoy the pictures online & read about the history!
I visited the castle today, it is in a sad state, no demolishion work has been done, but I honestly don’t see how to save it without some absolutely major investment , I’m no contractor but looking at pictures from 2013 and what I saw today, the building becoming just an unstable shell.
I heard they are at it again, that they have applied again to tear it down! which is a big shame, that they don´t want to rebuild it!
It’s really not that old in the way of castles. I think the owner can do whatever they want with it. Not everything has to be preserved.
yes it is a shame to see such a magnifficent structure go ruins but I think the owner made a plea for help when he wanted to turn it into a hotel and noone wanted to help so i think out of principal they would rathher see it destroyed.
One can only feel sad, to see a castle like this one being run down and destroyed. One questions is why let it get into this state? Do something before this happens! I love old castles and buildings and enjoy the architecture and history around them. When these places are no longer, there is no more history.
It would be a shame if it was demolished.
It also doesn’t need to be fully restored. There is a difference between restoration to former glory and keeping it from collapse. You also don’t have to restore every part.
-You could keep some areas sedately decaying.
-You could send a drone through and create a virtual tour of current conditions.
Actually, it too bad they don’t allow a master architecture restorative university program take on this project. It would be a win-win-win-win for everybody. After all to in order to become a restoration architect, you typically need a master’s degree in conservation architecture, historic preservation, or a subject related to building renovation, restoration and rehabilitation, or historical preservation and conservation. So one, win #1, completing coursework in one of these areas will ensure that students have gained a sufficient understanding of the required background in architecture and design, but to be able to offer a true, guided hands-on practical learning experience would be a boon for a university’s master program and an invaluable learning experience for the student. Win #2, Obviously, it would provide the family a huge financial, supplemented or low cost means to restore the structure on the land; and further, once completed, structure upkeep and maintenance costs could be covered by opening for tours. In addition, should a terrible catastrophic event ever occur on their current home property, they would then have a back-up estate home. Win #3 Clearly there are those around the globe willing to raise financial support through various means as this would make so many of them happy to see this architectural piece of history saved. Last but not least, win #4, on the whole for Belgium, it would stand serve as a piece of history and pride. At least some attempt should be made, I mean it did take roughly fifty years to complete.
[…] après la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Il se distingue par son style néo-gothique avec une tour centrale intimidante de plus de 55 mètres de haut. […]
I lived there for almost one year, from september 1964 untill juni 1965. My father worked for the NMBS. It was not only for ill children. The regime was not strict, it was horror. I have very bad memories over this beautifull castel. I visited it two times in the last zeven years and I can’t understand what happende to this place….sorry for my bad English
Always intressted in your camp stories, can you explane more?
Altijd geintresseerd hoe het er was, kan je er meer over vertellen?
Wow. What a place to produce art of spirit. Would love to do that.
I can not believe the owners would do this to a magnificent castel like this one. I have fallen in love with this Castel ever since I seen it on Pinterest and wanted to learn more about the history. It is shameful what the place looks like now. The owners could and still could if they find the right people to go into business with. They could of turned it into a museum and it would of kept the building up and would of never gotten this bad. They could of made millions just like another place did called Biltmore. They maker millions off of people going and seeing their beautiful house each year. It is a shame the owners didn’t think about that before. A hotel was just too out there is the reason why their plans to turn it into a hotel failed most likely.
I love learning about the history of buildings. You exlpained everything very well, and the pictures are gorgeous
Hello there i’m Daud and i’m from Asia i’m extremely impressed by the structure of this magnificent castle(Miranda Castle\The noisy castle ) and i’m sure i’ll visit it shortly but what I want to know is that who are it’s owners though it is the Burtfort family but can you guide me about how to contact them because I have plans of restoring the castle and I know how to convince them I usually don’t use my email but if yo care to help me save the castle please contact me on facebook the name on that is site is ( Daud Ghazi )and alternative name is (notorious) and if you know can you tell me that how much sq-feet is the land of the castle i’d be desperately waiting for your reply.
I just got back from visiting the castle this weekend and loved reading your article. I’m also fascinated to see pictures of how it looked in it’s former glory. Have you managed to discover any more since this article? I’d love to see them.
Yesterdagmorning (2/8/16) I visited the castle with a friend.
First Urbex exploration and will be the best. The castle is top in darkness
Always want to go back, inspiring location. no guards confrontations but we were extremly prepared and cautious.
According to the wikipedia entry (always questionable), as of sometime in June 2016, Miranda has been sold.
I hope it has been sold to someone with a vision
I am very sad. It seems like they are starting to dismantle the Castle next week :’-(–861868.aspx
This article says that the owner was okay with restoring it if someone had 25.000.000 euro to invest, but no one came forward.
So they are demolishing it because the castle was becoming very dangerous. They couldn’t keep people away fromtrespassing every day to get inside the castle and take pictures. That led to many injuries but also it is one of the reasons why the castle has so quickly fallen into such a poor state. There are also a kind of mushroom that has started to destroy the wooden structure.
It is a real shame. Houyet commune sure doesn’t have the money to repair the castle, but I don’t understand why Wallonia Region didn’t “classify” it (a procedure which gives a protection and allow the owner to get fund for restoring historical buildings).
Seems also that the owner is putting all his money into restoring another castle of his, next door, that is older and has more historical value (this one is “only” 100 year old).
I don’t know if he sold it I doubt he did, but demolition started 10/27/16, yesterday. So sad this Fairy Tale Castle will soon be just a beautiful memory.
Correction I was just told that although demolition was supposed to start yesterday the city council has delayed it, because of protesters pleas. YES!
They may save that beautiful dream after all.
Update November 4th 2016. Demolition began on October 31st. and very soon the Chateau will be no more. So Sad……
Oh! my gosh, the original pictures were so beautiful. It is a shame that the family did not keep it up.
It is a historical landmark, it hirts the heart to see it the way it is today.
To All the World, This beautiful Chateau Miranda/De Noisy is totally gone it was demolished on my birthday of All days. My heart is broken that their own government would not step in and do something to keep this castle from being destroyed.. It was completely gone as of November 16th 2016..Good by.. to bad the family was’nt gone, like this wonderul castle is now., maybe there would have been a chance to save this historical house, from everyone’s history.. So sad..tears fill my eyes.. Good By- Chateau Beautiful. You will be missed but not forgotten.
My heart sank as I read the post above. I was so hoping that this beautiful treasure would be saved. Shame on the family that owned it and let it be destroyed. I had read that someone had purchased it and was going to restore it, but couldn’t find any other information on it. Guess that wasn’t the case. So, so sad. Good my lovely Chateau Miranda. At least no one can defile her anymore with spray paint. Miranda was there for one brief shining moment and loved for her beauty. Now just a memory.
Very sad indeed. Wonderful photographs. Rather a trite point but I really feel it is inexcusable to call this philistinism……I suspect the Phillistines were a remarkable people and I think one of their number invented the western alphabet!
Be that as it may I admire so much your photographs David …absolutely wonderful!
What a shame! This place could have remained beautiful!
[…] known as Chateau de Noisy, this neo-gothic castle was built in 1866 and occupied by the family of the owner, architect Edward […]
[…] A brilliantly written and fascinating history of Noisy by David Baker can be read here. […]
Visited yesterday..half demolished but stil gorgeous…
I was the family nanny back in the nineties and remember exploring it one snowy day off. It was beautiful and haunting at the same, full of memories you could feel and hear. Unfortunately I didn’t stay with the family for long as they weren’t nice people to work for. I can only imagine what I knew of them that money is worth more to them than heritage.
We were there on 7th of october 2017…And unfortunately whole building, almost whole (maybe 98%) was destroyed and demolished
It’s so sad, that nobody wouldnt see this beautiful castle anymore… RIP Château Miranda
so sad Miranda Castle is demolished.. I love castles too!! and my family history is of William the Conqueror, King Henry’s, King Edwards, ect, ect.. I would have enjoyed seeing this castle!! wishing I could have saved it.. I now hope people who lived there or worked there will write about it!!! wouldn’t it be grand to hear about any hidden doorways or secret passage ways or long hallways to more rooms and hallways and the life that happened in and outside!! I saw a picture of children jumping for joy with smiling faces in front of Castle Miranda coming down the lane and that was precious!!
Shame shame on the mismanagment of this site – you have no honor and do no service to your name
Dear All,
I stayed in Chateau de Noisy in the year of 1986 during one of the last years of study of my education as a teacher. It was a magical experience and I recall this as one of the happiest days in my life, for which I credit Rik De Backer, Jan Tas, Koen Dille, (a tiny lady who teached geography who’s name is hard to recall), Kitty Roggeman, Dirk Groenen, Petra Polak, Barbara, and foremost my hyper idol Sr. Jan Sebreghts coming over to make 300 children march and sing without a PA system -just with an accordeon-. The mission included so many other wonderful people. On a yearly basis I undertook a pelgrimage to this place and its surroundings, to revive my happiness of back the day. The day I discovered what happened to this castle I felt heart broken. In my belief, no one ever understood how to deal with such a beautiful odd creation. I feel so sad about this.
Very pitiful. Too bad the owners wouldn’t allow someone to care for the property and bring life back into its walls……
This is amazing and very informative. LOVE the passion, voice, and dedication. The story is heart breaking. Appears it was demolished as of today? I would love to see and read more of your work. I noticed you have books. Any particulars on this one specifically? Thank you! What a wonderful find this blog is.
In 1964 ben ik daar van begin mei tot eind juni verbleven. Ik was daar via de NMBS voor mijn gezondheid. Ik heb het kasteel nog gekend in al zijn glorie. Voor zover ik mij kan herinneren waren we daar met 11 vlaamse kinderen, de rest was franstalig. Ik heb daar zeer goede herinneringen aan. Het is voor mij hartverscheurend als ik nu die afbeeldingen van het verval zie.
Where can I find a piece of Noisy? Or where can I buy it? Sorry for my english
Where can I find a piece of Noisy? Or where can I buy it?
This breaks my heart! I love this castle! man man man
The architectural details and designs on the posts, ceilings, and the staircase. Makes this castle very unique, and you can grasp the history through your photo’s. Its a shame that human’s nature is to destroy history and built new. Even though they make something new it doesn’t compare to the history that they have erased.
We have for years looking into the past/history, but yet we have people that rather destroy it. Instead of being the ones to explore the beauty from the past and learn from it.
These buildings have been standing for centuries and the common home can only stand for what 20 to 30 yrs in our time.
Preserving these buildings and keeping the history alive. Giving the people a look at the glory and detail what man can accomplish in those times. While honoring those who died and past on.
Demolish the owners